Fight fair.Serve one another in love.Galatians 5:13Theme: Resolving ConflictScripture: Acts 15:1-35; Galatians 5:13-15OPEN UP (10-15 minutes)1. Imagine the United Nations has declared that all future confl...
After a childhood of picketing abortion clinics and an adolescence spent campaigning for George W. Bush, Alisa Harris became increasingly uncomfortable with the politicization of her faith. So began her persona...
Generation Ex-Christian: Why Young Adults are Leaving the Faith…and How to Bring Them BackDrew DyckMoody Publishers, 2010, 196 pp. $13.99, MoodyPublishers.comYoung Christians are a dwindling breed. Youth ...
God's Answers 4 UR LifeSteve RussoBarbourBooks, 2011, 288 pp., $7.99God's Answer 4 UR Life is a handy little resource book that connects a variety of topics with applicable Scripture. I like that Scripture...
Suicide: The word itself brings to mind a rush of images, large cults on green lawns with cups strewn about, famous musicians lying alone with only their thoughts, and great architectural and natural forma...
The BackdropI'm tired. That's one of the most common answers given by teens during the school year when asked, "How are you doing?" The school year brings an ambitious combo of early mornings, late nights, long...
Overview: Passing around an imaginary footballLogistics:Ideal for ages 12 to 22.Best played with 8 to 15 students.No equipment needed.Time: Takes 5 to 20 minutes.How to Play:Select one of the students to be the...
It seems as if everything is going mobile these days: Facebook, Twitter, the Bible. Jeff Swanson has developed a new organization of the Bible for eBook, which is suitable for reading on the Kindle and Kin...
LifeWay Christian Resources will hold its annual National Youth Workers Conference Sept. 12-14 in Nashville, Tennessee. This year's theme is "Creating a Culture of Influence." The three-day event is design...
How Can Jaded Millennials Renew their Experience with God?In the churning waters of emerging adulthood amplified by a tumultuous economy, those known as millennials born between 1980 and 2000 are establishing t...