Read Psalms 139:13-18.If we're honest, feeling "wonderfully made" is not something that comes naturally to us. We are surrounded by people who tell us what clothes we should wear, what size we should be, how mu...
Passion to ActionJay and Beth LoeckenGuideposts, 2011, 256 pp. $19.99This book creates the elephant. Passion to Action recounts the journey of a family committed to putting its passion for service before t...
The Campbell family of California just might be the prototypical American family of the future. Kord Campbell and his wife, Brenda, recently moved to the San Francisco area from Oklahoma, along with their two c...
The BackdropWhat's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "back to school"? For most people, that phrase conjures up some negativity: early mornings, homework, lots of reading. We tend...
Overview: A fast-moving team game combining "Taboo!" "Charades" and "One Word."Logistics:Ideal for ages 12-22.Best played with 4-10 students per team.Equipment needed: Small pieces of paper enough for two piece...
Timothy Eldred tells us that a quarter million kids worldwide have registered to participate in his 21-day global youth prayer event that culminates with the Global Pray With Youth Sunday day of prayer on ...
David C. Cook announced that Francis Chan has three trade books on The New York Times "Paperback Advice & Miscellaneous" list on July 24, 2011—Erasing Hell debuts at No. 3, Crazy Love appears at ...
The Complete Visual BibleStephen M. MillerBarbourBooks, 2011, 528 pp., $19.99The Complete Visual Bible is a great tool for youth workers trying to prepare meaningful and accurate lessons using the Bible. T...
During my undergraduate studies in kinesiology (a.k.a. sports medicine), we studied closely the importance of the follow-through in the biomechanics of an athlete.Let me offer a simple definition of the follow-...
It seems almost every month there's an article published somewhere that begins with the sentiment, "Ministry is changing..."Everything is changing. We get it. Yet, as the culture, students and ministry all...