Reinforcing the theme of redemption introduced in Season 22 of CBS' "Survivor: Redemption Island," former castaway Krista Klumpp gave her luxury item—her Bible—to fellow castaway Matt Elrod. El...
Technology, social media and multitasking may actually be helping young people develop robust brains. Some adults predict doom and gloom for teen brains on technology, but brain researchers say the adaptability...
99 Things Every Girl Should Know: Practical Insights for Loving God, Yourself, and OthersNeely McQueenGroup Publishing, 2011, 121 pp., $5.99Cupidity: 50 Stupid Things People Do for LoveHayley and Michael DiMarc...
It was finally here! It was the day I had been looking forward to since I started looking to be on a church staff as a paid youth worker. It was my first day on the job; and to make the day even better, we were...
Samuel Goldwyn Films announced that it has acquired Roland Joffé's There Be Dragons, an epic tale of jealousy, love, faith and redemption that spans civil war-torn Spain to the recent past with a deadly, d...
Overview: "Footsies" is along the lines of the Milton Bradley game "Twister" in that you get twisted around but without the use of a mat or spinner.Logistics:Ideal for ages 12-22Best played with 5-10 studentsNo...
There are three things you need to ensure the realization of any goal: A standard to shoot for and to abide by, accountability and the discipline necessary to make it all happen.Recently, I sat down with a coup...
From Of Pilgrims and Fire: When God Shows Up at the Movies Films are one of the most powerful forms of popular culture. How can we view films more intelligently and reflectively? The following 10 tips s...
Of Pilgrims and Fire: When God Shows Up at the MoviesRoy M. AnkerWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2010, 259 pp., $17.99Some Christians look at movies and see a threat to the Christian faith—amoral stories ...
This Easter season, I'm exhausted. I come to God tired and weary after a long year of ministry. From ski trips to 30-hour famines, from staff transitions to Youth Sunday services, it seems as if it has been one...