Be Still

"Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything" (Ps. 46:10, The Message).Today we live in a world that is so complex. The hustle and bustle of our soci...

Be Real

Have you ever had a moment when a conversation transported you back in time? That happened to me yesterday. As I was coming home from picking up my 12-year-old daughter, she and her best friend were talking abo...

Less Is More

This holiday season, many people are struggling financially. A blogger named Kelly Sutton decided to find out how much stuff he really needed to live. His answer: surprisingly little.Kelly sold all his possessi...

Lessons for the Long Haul: Doug Fields

Doug Fields, 30+ yearsYWJ: What do young leaders most need to succeed as they start?Doug: Big picture: A youth worker needs a sincere passion to follow Jesus, a love for teenagers, the family and the churc...


In John 20:28, Jesus says He came to serve, not be served. We should have them same attitude. We have been called to serve the communities in which we have been planted. Where does this motivation to ...