Lessons for the Long Haul: Les Christie

Les Christie: Games Guru; Author; Youth Ministry Chair, William Jessup University40+ years YWJ: What do young leaders most need to succeed as they start out in youth ministry?Les Christie: It's still all abou...

Youth Culture Lesson: Game Over

Are Violent Video Games Protected by First Amendment?Get downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/Disclaimer What Happened:Can the government regulate violent video games? The U.S. S...
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Advent Is…

Teaching About Advent:I subscribe to several weekly emails from various church and youth ministries. I have found that around Thanksgiving, all of them send me messages about Advent. I read each of them wi...

Fight Like Shammah

I have been reading about David's mighty men recently and I am always blown away by their honor and heroism. If 2 Samuel 23 were made into a movie, it would make the movie 300 look like The Blind Side. These wa...

Operation: Feed the Teens

"Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, 'Do you love Me?' He said, 'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said, 'Feed My sheep'" (John 21:17).To prepare for this activity, ...
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The Value of Multiple Mentors

An intentional relationship, spiritually focused, where one individual is empowered toward the purposes of God through the investment and life experiences of another as they journey together is the definition o...