Free Group Activity: Game On

Now it's totally easy for you to have high quality games and icebreakers for your group - without having to spend hours brainstorming ideas. Game On Vol. 4 is packed with 24 humorous, interesting, and someti...

Icebreaker: Proverbs

One player leaves the room while the others decide on a proverb. When he returns, he has to guess the proverb chosen by the other players. He does this by asking each of them in turn a question, which may be ab...

Fundraising by Faith, Not by Sight

Veteran youth worker Kelly Soifer says, "I have three operating premises when needing to raise funds for youth ministry"... Donor Fatigue: churches tend to wear out their people by "going to the well" far to...

The Intimidating Parent

Verston is not his real name, but he has a real Ph.D. in engineering, and his business skills are better than his technical skills. Verston owns a company and has a son in youth group. More than impressive, Ver...

God Contact: He Sees

The BackdropWhen you think about it, God has a lot of fun things He could be doing: hopping galaxies, pulling off miracles, etc.; but the thing He most wants to do is be in touch with you.Whether it's distracti...

Cultural Relevancy and Youth Ministry

From ym360: "We know the truth of Scripture is timeless. It's as effective today at spiritual transformation as it was hundreds and thousands of years ago. "However, culture is not timeless. Culture is fluid....