That’s Some Bad Hat Harry

From Nathan's Blog: "You know two separate pieces of information.  Perhaps you've even known them for a VERY long time.  But then one day.... EUREKA! The connection is made! This happens to me in m...

Stuff Christians Like: Jon Acuff

Using the same humor and honesty that galvanized more than a million online readers from more than 200 countries, blogger Jonathan Acuff brings his insightful take on Christianity to the book world with Stuf...

You could win a copy of STUFF CHRISTIANS LIKE

Zondervan and YouthWorker Journal is giving away five (5) copies to give away of Jonathan Acuff's Stuff Christians Like (Zondervan)! On May 31, we'll draw the names of five youth workers to win a free copy of t...

Falling in Love on a Mission Trip

My little brother wrote one of my favorite songs in the world while he was on a mission trip to Africa. It wasn't about the people. It wasn't about the culture. It was about something much bigger and more unive...

YCL: Growing Maturity

Setting a Good Example…for Your ParentsGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:"Don't trust anyone over 30." That's what Baby Boomers said in the 1960s,...

YCU: Youth Drifting from Faith?

PLUS: adolescence extending into 30s, accidents leading cause of teen deaths Youth Drifting Away from Faith? -- A number of studies indicate that youth are falling away from religion—or, more perhaps mor...

Midnight Cry Prayer Line Open to All

You are cordially invited to join the Midnight Cry Miracle Prayer Line, hosted by the Worldwide Interdenominational Ministries and Prophet Derrick Davis of Chicago, Illinois. Every night at 12:00 midnight ...

Leadership Line-Up

THE GAME: Give players one minute to line up in their birthday order (from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31) without talking or mouthing words. Have players raise their hands when everyone thinks they're standing in the corre...

Justice: A Contrarian Perspective

According to the California Teachers' Association Web site, Generation Z is the generation that "while they may be named for the last letter of the alphabet, they'll soon be at the forefront of solving the wors...