EcoTeach, a student travel company specializing in life-changing trips that combine conservation, recreation and cultural awareness, has launched a "How TravelCan Change Your World" essay contest.The online con...
Pretty simple, but fun! Take two or three of your folks and give them cans of Silly String. Have another group put on garbage bags. (Cut holes for the arms and head first!) Put the two groups on opposite sides...
Here's a fun activity you can do with just a box fan, lots of plastic, some duct tape, and bunch of teens! The video was created by Don Nagy, youth pastor at North Rome Wesleyan Church, in Ulster, Pennsylvania....
From Thoughts on Life, God, and Ministry: Blogger Jason Huffman worries that youth ministries do more harm than good when they create "an alternate reality" for students -- not unlike the fakery seen on realit...
Community's Joel McHale at Biola Conference -- Joel McHale, star of NBC comedy series Community and host of E! Channel's The Soup, will be one of the featured speakers at the annual Biola Media Conference, May ...
Youth Culture Lesson: Finding Teachable Moments in Culture -- Text Rage: Teen Beaten After Angry TextingGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/Disclaimer What Happened:Wayne Treacy...
From Denise McKinney's Blog: "The first weekend in March, I had the privilege to facilitate a retreat for a group of 5th & 6th grade students AND their parents. ... During a short dialogue with parents j...
Life in Student Ministry's Tim Schmoyer and guest Dale Lusk of Merge Ministries discuss how to maximize your youth group's mission trip impact. "Dale's advice and wisdom is very helpful," Tim says. "This is a m...
PLUS: Flash mobs turn violent, U.S. kids unimproved readers, Sony competes with Wii Playing Risk -- Scientists have long been puzzled by the "health paradox" of adolescence: People are at peak physical condi...
THE GAME: Direct players to sit in a circle, and choose one person to lead. Tell players they are to look at their neighboy and say, "Zoom!" one at a time, going left around the circle (clockwise) as fast as po...