Looking for a Bible Study / Discussion Starter on the Super Bowl? Try this!
How many different animal-themed teams can you name? (Bears, Lions, Bengals, Ravens, Colts, Jaguars, Panthers, Falcons, Dolphin...
In youth ministry, there’s no shortage of rough patches. You think you’ve got the lock-in planned, scheduled and effectively organized, and the location calls at the last minute and cancels your res...
God works through small groups.
At least that’s what we hope, don’t we?
There’s a joy that comes with seeing students come together to dig into God’s word and each other’s lives. When small groups fu...
If you’re like me, small group ministry with students has been a bit of a challenge.
In at least one of the ministries I’ve lead, my entire youth group would have been considered a small group. (ha!). Mor...
Small groups are one of the best ways for students to belong to your youth ministry. They make a large ministry feel smaller and a smaller ministry feel more personal.
Among so many other things, small groups ...
Quick question: Can you recite the Golden Rule?
Follow-up questions: Do you know where to find that rule in the Bible? Are these words actually in the Bible? Why is it called golden?
The What
While the prin...
Quick Backdrop
If you were to Tweet through the Bible one Tweet a day, it would take more than 60 years to cover all the verses. Obviously Scripture was not designed to be experienced 140 characters at a time,...
I offered to just buy the coffee table from the host home family.
Why, you ask? Because one of the small group members managed to discreetly carve his initials in it during our short stay in their hom...
We're excited to announce our 2017 themes for YouthWorker Journal!
YouthWorker Journal publishes a monthly digital magazine, and a quarterly print magazine. We also publish fresh content weekly over at the Yout...
Each year I resolve to do one thing that will improve my life.
Whether you love resolutions or think they are dumb, here is a list of 17 things that could improve your quality of life in ’17.
Read one ...