YCU: Drug Use Link to Lack of Sleep

PLUS: Making cussing illegal (sort of), iTunes' one billionth served, cyberbullies, more Lack of Sleep, Drug Use Linked -- Teens who get less than seven hours of sleep a night are more likely to use drugs, a...

10 Commandments for Youth Ministry

On his site Life in Student Ministry, veteran youth pastor Tim Schmoyer created the ten-part series 10 Commandments for Surviving in Youth Ministry. Each commandment below links to the individual blog entry tha...

Youth Culture Lesson: Cyberbullying

Online Harassment Can Turn Deadly Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened: Phoebe Prince was pretty, intelligent, 15-year-old high school stud...

Interruptions …

From Inside Girls' Ministry: "As I've continued in ministry through the years God has taught me numerous lessons related to interruptions. He has taught me so much about coping with and dealing with interr...

Childhood Obesity

At 5 years old, Jessica weighed more than 200 pounds. At age 7, her weight had increased to more than 400 pounds, labeling her the world's heaviest child. Her leg bones bowed under her large frame until eventua...


In a culture where sexualization is prevalent, what can youth workers do to promote purity for students? Logan Rogers, youth worker with junior high ministry Heirborn, based in Clear Lake, Iowa, offered some...

How Advertisers Target Young People

 "It's just not the holidays without them!" exclaims an Old Navy modelquin in a 2009 holiday commercial. She is referring to alpine hoodies, without which, in the modelquin world, Christmas apparently just...

Movie Intelligence

A family walks into the local theatre to partake in a family Christmas movie. The movie of choice is Disney's new adaptation of A Christmas Carol. Before the start of the movie, the parents caution their childr...

Tips on Fundraising

Fundraisers can be the bane of any youth leader's existence. Figuring out what works, what doesn't and how to organize the event are basic questions to answer before beginning any fundraiser. Fortunately, many ...