Youth Culture Lesson: Helping by Halving

Teen Inspires Others to Give SacrificiallyGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:In 2006, 14-year-old Hannah Salwen was returning home from a sleepover with her father, K...

Prepping highschoolers for college

The Youth Transition Network is hosting Succeed 2010 (Feb 27), a college preparation event for juniors and seniors in high school. College student interviews and highly qualified ministry speakers will open the...

Growing disciples or co-dependent teens?

From Jasper Speaks: "I have been overwhelmed with a question lately. Am I creating a group of spiritually growing disciples of Christ in our student ministry or am I creating a group of spiritually co-depend...

YCU: Bullying linked to suicide

Tragedy in Massachusetts; abortion rates rise; time on social networks skyrockets; more Tragedy in Massachusetts -- On Jan. 14, Phoebe Prince -- a 15-year-old immigrant from Ireland who had just come to the ...

Americans step up to help Haiti

Here's a video to show your youth group the different ways they can help with the Haiti crisis. Americans from all walks of life -- from celebrities like John Travolta to 9-year-old Connor Howard -- have been ...

What Makes Academia Liberal?

Are secular colleges liberal? Well, yes, often they are. Are most nurses female? Yes. Now, a new study shows that what we do with colleges and careers such as nursing is typecasting, and typecasting m...

Critiquing ‘Avatar’

Conservatives say it's liberal, anti-capitalist and anti-military. Feminists say it's gender biased. Anti-smoking advocates say it features too many cigarettes. Christians (including the Vatican) say it's pagan...

YCU: Twittering for Dollars

Earning $10,000 every tweet; kids spend 8 hours a day with media; top video games; more. Twitter Bling -- Rapper/producer Soulja Boy hasn't had a monster hit for a while, but don't worry about how he's makin...

FBI: Beware of Haiti charity scams

Haitian Earthquake Relief Fraud Alert The FBI reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical eye and do their due diligence b...