Matchmaker Mary

Matchmaker MaryTim Whitus, DirectorPureFlix, 2008, 80 minutes, $19.95, While adopting a puppy, sweet sixth-grade Mary meets a couple of lovelorn singles, who each happen to adopt puppies from the ...

As We Forgive

As We ForgiveDirected by Laura Waters Hinson, Narrated by Mia FarrowMPower Pictures, 2009, 53 min., $16.95, Vivid and colorful landscapes. Beautiful and haunting music. The faces, names an...

Got Style? Personality-Based Evangelism

Got Style? Personality-Based EvangelismJeffrey A. JohnsonJudson Press, 2009, 144 pp., $15.00, Are you ready to go out and be the next Billy Graham? Well if not, you are one of 97 percent of peo...