A Teachable Moment with Tiger Woods

As the spotlight shines on another misbehaving celebrity (this time, golf star Tiger Woods), what can we learn? Teachers at the Tiger Woods Learning Center in Anaheim, Calif., are finding a teachable moment and...

Peace on Earth? Really!

Does it seem odd to sing carols about peace on Earth while wars and rumors of war are a daily reality? Then check out the Two Futures Project, an anti-nuke initiative organized by author and YWJ contributor Tyl...

The Souper Bowl of Caring

What would happen if every American who celebrates the Super Bowl donated one can of food or $1 to fight hunger and poverty in his or her local community? That's the purpose of the Souper Bowl of...

YCL: Princess Power

Does Disney Tell Girls that Skinny Is Beautiful?Get downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:On Nov. 25, 2009, Disney officially introduced Tiana, heroine for The ...

YCU: Students protest high tuition

Police arrest UC students, some boys raid both parents' wardrobe, and science kids get invited to the White House. TUITION TURMOIL -- With the economy still playing havoc with education budgets, many state u...

YCU: Poor Sportsmanship

Boys who play sports are more likely to drink and fight, why junk food is like drugs and Santa is the most-at-risk for H1N1. THAT'S SPORTSMANSHIP FOR YOU -- We've long been told that participating in sports is...

License Plates

SUPPLIES: Colored paper and markersTHE GAME: Give participants colored paper and markers. Ask them to create a personalized license plate or bumper sticker that reflects their personality and interests. Ask pla...


Christianish Mark Steele David C. Cook, 2009, 288 pp., $14.99 davidccook.com "What if we're not really following Jesus at all?" Mark Steele answers this question in his latest book, Christianish. He discu...