Youth Ministry Interview: Walt Mueller

Walt Mueller talks with YWJ editor Steve Rabey about "Youth Culture 101," narcissism, and the Apostle Paul's approach to culture in Acts 17. Walt writes the "Culture Watch" column for YouthWorker Journal. He is...

Youth Lessons: Advent Vignettes

Steve Case has written five vignettes designed to involve youth in the church's Advent candle lighting services. Each vignette contains a creative "e-mail" representing a real or imaginary character from the Ch...

Guy Talk Girl Talk

After a few decades in youth ministry, we've realized something: Guys and girls are different--and significantly so, at that. So, rather than the usual "one message fits all" approach, we've created an extensiv...

Come see us in Atlanta!

Please see us at the upcoming National Youth Workers Convention event taking place in Atlanta Nov 19-22. Come by booth #803-805 and register to win a Martin Backpacker guitar with all of the accessories. Also, ...

Youth Culture Lesson: Precious Letters

Dying Child Leaves Notes for Her FamilyGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:In 2006, Elena Desserich, 5, was diagnosed with brain cancer. During the next ...

Taking Youth Ministry ‘Public’

For the six years I served as a church youth director, I was determined to communicate the gospel of Christ to any teenagers within my sphere of influence. I desperately wanted to see lives changed but was repe...

Soul Care: Silencing the Chaos

It's 7:59 a.m. and I already have 32 e-mails and six text messages; my cell phone is ringing; and I have yet to check Facebook. I know I need to sit quietly before the Lord; but I am already tense, on edge and ...
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We need times of rest. Many of us don't even know what that means anymore. We need time to play! The best definition of play is: an activity that serves no purpose. Think of children playing with their d...

Youth Ministry Rules of Thumb

On vacation this past summer in Galveston, Texas, I saw a book for sale called Rules of Thumb, which contains 1,000 "general principles of living." It gives guidance on things such as which puppy to pick from ...