Being There

If I was once enthusiastic about the smells associated with grass freshly cut by my efforts, I'm over it. My family currently lives in a rental property with extensive land. My "half" take about three ...

Change the World, Change Your Kids

Two months ago, I (Kara) was part of an inner-city Los Angeles weekend mission trip with teenagers from my church.We had a surprise for the students: It was actually a poverty simulation. We had told their pare...

Missional Youth Ministry

Youth leaders want their teenagers to develop a healthy, missional worldview; and they want to provide experiences that foster that concept in teens' hearts and minds. Often this seems like it is easier said th...

Comics: Not for all ages

Two  library workers in Kentucky were fired for refusing an 11-year-old girl to check out The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which they dubbed "pornographic." However, the policy of the Jessamine Count...