Tweet to the Wall

People of all faiths can now "tweet" their prayers via Twitter to the Western Wall, one of Judaism's most sacred sites. Since the beginning of July, more than 1,000 people have sent messages known as "tweets" t...

Height and Happiness

Squirts probably don't need any more reasons to envy their longer-limbed neighbors. Unfortunately, a new study just added to the indignity of short people. According to a paper from the National Bureau of Econo...

More Americans Volunteered in 2008

More Americans volunteered last year despite the worsening economy, according to a report released Tuesday by the Corporation for National and Community Service.Almost a million more people donated their t...


From Blogging with BA:What does it mean to be flexible?For the past couple weeks our young RA class has been planning a camping trip. Each Wednesday night class has been given the opportunity to do something ...