He made the statement at the press conference. Somehow, that's supposed to make his smoking habit not so bad. What a lesson to kids: It's OK as long as certain people don't see you do it.Notice, he al...
In the week since he died, some have called Michael Jackson's life tragic. Still others have sought to pay tribute to his memory. What lessons can your group learn from cultural pop icon? ...
SUPPLIES: Index cards (one per player); Pen or pencil (one per player); Chart paper or white board.NOTE: This activity works well to break up a long retreat, after several hours of activities or over time at th...
There are more than 130 million blogs in the world, but a recent story by New York Times reporter Douglas Quenqua says that only 7.4 million of these blogs have been updated in the last 120 days. What’s h...
The longer you’re a parent, the more you realize there are fewer and fewer hills to die on.I received the following letter from a concerned parent. My response to her applies to many situations as you rel...