Theology and teens. Does it sound like an explosive combination? Or a grand exercise in futility, filled with yawns and eye rolling? If you’re like most youth leaders, just the thought of mixing teens and...
Study Suggests Some Youth Addicted to GamingGet downloadable PDF.Get PowerPoint Presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat's Happening:Most kids enjoy playing video games, and some joke about how "addictive" a certain g...
Why is everyone at Bell Multicultural High School in D.C. taking Advanced Placement English courses and tests? Most of the students are low-performing, with parents who don't speak English at home. In the past,...
Californian schoolkids have been told to throw away their textbooks to help the state avoid bankruptcy. But they won't need total recall: they're going digital instead. The textbooks have been terminated by Arn...
Teens whose parents let them stay up after midnight on weeknights have a much higher chance of being depressed or suicidal than teens whose parents enforce an earlier bedtime, says research being presented toda...
A Christian evangelical group that works to improve the lives of underprivileged children says it has been prohibited from conducting Bible study classes in public housing projects in Tulsa, Okla., potentially ...
New Resource ReviewFUEL2: Owning Your FaithVolume 8: Confronting Other Religions and CultsLifeWay Christian Resources, 2008, $159.99, our increasingly pluralistic culture, and with the co...
With mental illness affecting one of every four families in the United States, Pathways to Promise has organized a three-day, faith-based summit designed to help churches and clergy better address this serious ...
September 26-27, 2009, child advocates from an expected 50 communities and 200 college campuses will work to raise awareness of one of the most tragic issues we face today: The trafficking of young childre...