Managing Your Ministry: Own Little World

There is a quiet epidemic in our country—specifically in our youth ministries—and it's a killer. The problem is there's not an easy fix. It strikes unexpectedly, with little or no warning. Virtually no rese...

Attitude Makes All the Difference

There is a parable about two travelers. The first traveler stopped along the road to talk to a wise woman. He said, "I am planning to settle in the town up ahead. What can you tell me about the people there?" ...

Game: Hot Diggity Dogs

For your next youth cookout or retreat, give this one a try. Provide cooked hot dogs and buns for everyone, along with squeeze bottles filled with ketchup, mustard and relish (and more condiments if you choose)...

Call It All Joy

"Rejoice with joy unspeakable" (1 Pet. 1:8). One of the most unifying attributes for any organization is joy. Youth groups need joy, in fact, to bring a sense of balance and movement to the work. Leaders sho...

The Amazing Spider-Man: Sacrifice

Opening: Sacrificing for something or someone can be one of the hardest things we ever have to do in life; but many times, the satisfaction found in sacrifice far outweighs the difficulty found in sacrifice. ...

Good Grief for Youth Workers

"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2). A few months ago, our congregation was rocked by three deaths in two days. One of these deaths was the father of two teens. He took h...