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Tech Talk

Online, All the TimeAccording to the online tracking service www.comScore, Americans spent 302 billion minutes online in July—or the equivalent of 6,760 lifetimes, give or take. Americans’ favorite...

Tweet, Follow or Get Out of the Way

John McCain took to the Senate floor Monday and talked about Twittering.For the increasingly popular networking tool, it was either a moment that marked the technology's full-bore entry into the cultural mainst...

Behind Every Name

SUPPLIES:Small lightweight ballChart paper or whiteboard Marker   THE GAME: Have the group circl up (sitting or standing). Toss the ball around (or across) the circle. When players catch the ball, they ...

TV for Tots?

Early parenting choices are never clear-cut, and deciding whether or not to allow your infant to watch television or DVDs ranks as one of the more perplexing.Thanks to marketing claims for TV shows and DVDs cre...