Advertisers Cutting Celebrity Ties

A sputtering economy and a spate of superstar scandals are making companies more cautious about having famous faces attached to their products — and about whether they enlist celebrities at all, some mar...

‘Slumdog’ Best in Show

Slumdog Millionaire is the Academy Awards champion, wrapping up its ghetto-to-glory story by winning best picture and seven other Oscars, including the directing honor for Danny Boyle.A story of hope amid squal...

Facebook Fasting for Lent

They're a little too old to give up potato chips, Guitar Hero or Red Bull for Lent. But as Christian parents ponder an appropriate sacrifice, they find themselves mulling a choice they'd have once seen as prepo...

Wanted: A Quiet Place to Pray

Rola Awwad wants a private space for her 10-year-old son at Albert Payson Terhune Elementary School to exercise his right to Muslim prayer.The school district had offered to let him pray at recess — eith...

Healing the Healer

“Oh my God!” were the last words one student reported coming from my lips just before the impact. A truck pulling a fifth-wheel trailer crossed over the road’s center line, slamming into our s...