Fishbowl Challenge

Place a fish bowl (or hat or basket) in your youth area. During the course of some weeks, invite the teenagers to write questions on index cards and place them in the bowl. These questions can be serious, fun...

The Perfect Game: Teamwork

Opening: Teamwork can be defined as "work done by several people with each person playing a part while giving up personal glory for the good of the whole." Teamwork plays a large part in the success of good tea...

Magnetism: More than Deceptive Charm

There is no doubt that Jesus drew people around Him. He was a magnetic personality. Others wanted to be in His presence, to talk to Him, to sit and listen to His teaching, to receive His insights. Jesus also dr...

Spring Walk Turned Scavenger Hunt

This is a variation of a scavenger hunt game that you can create for a large group, outdoors. A wooded area, camp or retreat works best. Begin by creating a printed list of items that each team must find in the...

Tic-Tac-Toe for Youth Groups

For this game, you will need duct tape and an assortment of Hula Hoops® and Frisbees®, preferably in two different colors. Create a "Tic-Tac-Toe" grid with duct tape in the parking lot or other lar...

Youth Group Devo: Living in Peace

Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you" (John 20:21). The first words that Jesus spoke to His followers after His resurrection were, "Peace be with you!" This is a p...

Youth Culture Lesson: Second Chances

Youth Culture Lesson: Finding Teachable Moments in Culture—Second Chances: Making Them Worthwhile Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer. What Happene...