YWJ Roundtable: The Stress Test

Youth workers are intimately acquainted with stress. After all, our jobs are about people; and people cause stress, especially when their problems and crises become ours. Though all of us live with constant str...

Soul Care: Time for Some Creativity

As soon as children can hold a crayon, an adult in their lives usually teaches them to color inside the lines. The free-thinking child scribbles anywhere; while the child who wishes to please colors a picture w...

Worldview: Community Service

We felt like we were stuck in a rut. We had our usual weekly youth meetings, which are a must; and we always try to provide some special trips during the year, such as a winter skiing retreat to Lake Placid or ...

Lost Generation

A video that was submitted in a contest by a 20-year-old to a contest titled "U @ 50." The video won second place, and when shown, everyone in the room broke into spontaneous applause. ...