Schools Declare War on Peanuts

North Carolina is the fifth-largest peanut grower in the U.S., yet peanut-allergy nazis have persuaded even officials in that state to crack down on PB&Js. Take Union County Public Schools, the fastest-gro...

Hamster Knockout Game

No, this doesn’t involve hamsters in boxing gloves…but this is a game that your kids might possibly remember for the rest of their lives! All you need are some brave students…and a couple of...

Media’s Adverse Effects on Kids

The National Institutes of Health and a nonprofit advocacy group, Common Sense Media, have another reason for President-elect Barack Obama to keep urging parents to “turn off the TV.” In what resea...

College and the Modern Economy

As their parents' investments shrink, today's college-bound high school students are scaling back their fantasies of enrolling at prestigious, expensive schools.This reality is manifesting itself in different w...