From the story: "In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word 'troll' to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities. Early trolling was relatively innocuous, taking place inside of small...
The Rev. Paul Earl Sheppard had recently become the senior pastor of a suburban church in California when a group of parishioners came to him with a disturbing personal question. They were worried because the ...
Researchers know what your tween saw last summer: savage beatings, severed heads, murder, rape and torture. In a study released Monday in the journal Pediatrics, researchers from Dartmouth Medical School e...
From the story: "City officials are putting South Los Angeles on a diet. The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to place a moratorium on new fast food restaurants in an impoverished swath of the city with a...
From the story: "By the time they arrive in Beijing, most athletes have resigned themselves to the possibility of undergoing a battery of tests for banned substances, like anabolic steroids and certain cough me...
From the story: "Turns out that your inertia may be coded right into your genes. Based on some intriguing, preliminary studies in animals, J. Timothy Lightfoot, a kinesiologist, and his team at University of No...
From the story: "Just blocks from the University of Washington, a line of people shuffle toward a food pantry, awaiting handouts such as milk and bread. For years, the small University District pantry has offer...
From the story: "The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws."Read ...
From the story: "Foreign-owned hotels in China face the prospect of 'severe retaliation' if they refuse to install government software that can spy on Internet use by hotel guests coming to watch the summer Oly...
With gas prices rising and the housing market already in a slump, charities across the nation are bracing themselves for declining contributions this holiday season and people are looking for innovative and fre...