Joy to the World…Every Day of the Year

"I bring you tidings of great joy" (Luke 2). One of the most popular Christmas carols is "Joy to the World," a hymn written by Isaac Watts in the early 1700s. What makes the story behind this hymn so remarka...

Strategic Planning

"Be persistent, whether the time is favorable or unfavorable" (1 Tim. 4:2). Not long ago, our congregation began a two-year process of strategic planning. We began to discuss our strengths, challenges, opp...

In the House with Christ Our King

"And the word became flesh and lived among us" (John 1:14). When I was in college, our family hosted a student from China. This experience was beneficial in many ways. We learned some Chinese vocabulary, c...

Incarnation of the God-Man

"He was in the world and the world came into being through him" (John 1:10). If there is one theological word that describes the uniqueness of the Christian faith, perhaps it is incarnation, which means ...

Wreath Wraps

This activity will require chicken wire and various colored packages of tissue paper (with emphasis on green). First, form several wreaths (16" diameter works best) out of the chicken wire, taping the cut ends ...

Making a Statement

"Fight the good fight of faith" (1 Tim. 6:12). When I was a teenager, I had several good friends. It seemed we were always together; and if one of us found ourselves in trouble, we were all in trouble. Likew...

Candy Cane Chains

This is a fun and competitive game played with small candy canes and large LifeSavers. Divide the teenagers into teams of four people, and provide each team with a box filled with small candy canes and LifeSave...

Beginnings: Ours and God’s Love

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). Beginnings are important, and we all have our stories about beginnings. Consider, for example, your earlies...

Defining Your Mission

"For the gospel, I was appointed a herald, apostle and teacher" (1 Tim. 1:11). Everyone needs a mission for his or her ministry. Mission is, and can be, the driving force behind our actions and decisions. ...