Vision for Youth Ministry

"Without a vision, the people perish…" (Mic. 3:6). Years ago, my grandmother gave me some advice I never have forgotten. Among her bits of wisdom was the simple platitude, "Make sure you have goals in ...

Youth Group Devo: Happy Birthlife!

Quick Backdrop The phrase "born again" unfortunately has become a worn-out and misunderstood expression. Nevertheless, that's exactly how Jesus described what happens to us when we believe in Him (John 3). The...

Youth Culture Lesson: Buying Christmas

Are We Spending Less this Year? Is that a Good Thing? Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened The Christmas shopping season is in full swing...

Youth Culture Lesson: Picture Perfect

Measuring Popularity on Instagram Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened When it comes to social networks, nothing is as popular with teens...

Youth Culture Lesson: Wasting Time

You Can Get College Credit for It in Pennsylvania Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer What Happened: We spend a lot of time online these days: Some woul...

Youth Culture Lesson: Civil Disobedience

17-Year-Old Christian Takes on China Get downloadable PDF. Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation. About/Disclaimer. What Happened: For the past several weeks, people in Hong Kong—a semi-in...

Why Am I So Busy?

Few understand how busy youth pastors are. One rehearsal takes up three of our precious hours. We are very busy, often more than than many other pastors. Why are we so busy? Where does our time go? For many ...

Purpose for the Pain

Eighteen year ago, I answered the call to youth ministry. Good, bad or ugly, I'm in this for the long haul. During that time, I've seen amazing things, stuff I wouldn't trade for the world. I've also experience...