Christian Smith, professor of sociology at Notre Dame, wrote in the most recent Books and Culture a review of six books dealing with the new phenomenon of “adultolescence”—that is, the postpo...
More than 8,000 teenagers and youth ministry leaders attended this year’s Generation Unleashed annual conference, which began in 1993 at City Bible Church in Portland, Oreg. The praise and worship mus...
This may be the last free Thanksgiving dinner for the Boy Scouts of Philadelphia. Citing a local 1982 “fair practices” law, the city solicitor has given the Scouts until Dec. 3 to renounce its polic...
The cover story of October’s Christianity Today was titled “When to Separate What God has Joined: A Closer Reading on the Bible on Divorce.” In the article, author and scholar David I...
Darrell tries to have a peaceful thanksgiving moment with his family. For more information or to download this video, go to ...
Many requests have been made to replay the phone call that one Pastor Mike shared during a church service on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007. On YouTube, a video clip was created so this phone call could be shared with o...
Mental-health professionals say the number of children treated for difficulties with emotion, concentration, behavior, or ability to get along with others, as well as the sales of a wide range of psychiatric me...
Hey Yotuh Guys and Gals, Not really my idea just one we have picked up on the way, really simple. 1. get a bottle 2litre coke type put some balast in the bottom (water or sand) and two juggling balls. 2. ge...
We had a spaghetti dinner/dessert auction (we called it SDDA 2007). We served spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. Our cost was minimal, due to an elder who works for a food service. We had numerous people ...
Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs, and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thurs...