When the game is on the line, you don't want mistakes.In baseball, we call it a dropped ball. In football, it's a botched kick or missed field goal. Basketball analysts refer to the shot "rimming in and out" at...
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and with people (Luke 2:52).We often turn to Luke 2:52 when we begin talking about holistic ministry and the importance of ministering to the ...
I've heard the Live-for-Christ mantra repeated often in pulpits across the country, as well as from the mouths of youth workers everywhere. The notion that following Christ is more than a Sunday thing has been ...
We all understand that reaching, discipling and teaching students God's Word can be challenging. Adding anything into that challenge makes everything…more challenging. That difficulty causes us to stick w...
"And in the case of an athlete, no one is crowned without competing according to the rules" (2 Tim. 2:5).It seems to happen every year: A star athlete is caught in the act of cheating or playing outside the rul...
(This is the second of a two-part series; click here for part one.)Welcome to part two of Ankle Deep! We're looking at a particular passage in Ezekiel, first popping the hood to get an idea of what's being...
Mark A. YarhouseZondervan, 2013, 208 pp, $16.99This is a must-read! It is one of those books that shows up only every once in a while. The author, Dr. Mark Yarhouse, has written for years on issues of sexuality...
"Do good, be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share" (1 Tim. 6:18).During a recent trip to Rome, I noted there were many elderly women begging in the streets. These elderly women, many hunched over or...
Dealing with Our CriticsGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/Disclaimer.What HappenedAs fighting continues along the Gaza Strip and a militant Muslim group continues to cause chao...
Writing from a secure country, orphans here are suffering from hunger and poverty. They face developmental delays due to severe malnutrition. Meeting their physical needs for food, clothing and shelter opens do...