I spent the first 16 years of my adult life working with teenagers in a variety of youth ministry positions. I’ve spent the last 17 years studying teenagers, their lives and their culture. In the midst of...
My first 10 months in youth ministry were textbook perfect. I’ll share my secret formula with you. I began with this question: “How can I draw teens?” My answer included a catchy purpose state...
Regal, 2007, 296 pp., $17.99, www.regalbooks.com God on Mute takes a refreshingly honest and hopeful look at the difficult and often undiscussed topic of suffering and unanswered prayer. Using Jes...
Baker, 2006, 128 pp., $12.99, www.bakerpublishinggroup.com If the tagline to Still Waters and Skyscrapers sends you fleeing for the hills to escape a dreaded cliché beast, take a moment to calm your&sh...
MELODY CARLSON has an uncanny gift for getting inside the hearts and minds of today’s teens -- and great respect for youth ministry. She is an award-winning author of more than 150 books for young adults,...
Sometimes I wonder why I’m in youth ministry. Sometimes it feels like the most useless job in the world. Every Wednesday night, my kids show up, kind of sing the songs, and fidget throu...
Why is a relationally based youth program important to Christian formation? Becauseour young people tend to experience and express faith in a culture that stresses individualism and youth. They have too fe...
GoBible, LLC, $99.95, www.gobible.com In the struggle to find a way to fit Bible reading into our daily schedule, many of us have turned to audio, trying to squeeze in devotions at the gym or in the ca...
St. Mary’s Press, 2006, 260 pp., $14.95, www.smp.org Highlighting both the stories of the Bible and its truth, The Bible from Scratch will be enjoyable for teens (or even adults) who might be intimidated...
How connected are young people to the adults in their lives? How connected do they want to be? How connected do they need to be? More than 50 pastors, youth ministry leaders, authors, and scholars gathered la...