Last fall Terrell Owens—or at least his publicist—revealed a lot about today's youth culture. In case you missed the frenzy, the controversial Dallas Cowboys receiver looked as if he tried to ...
Dear Youth Ministry Worker: It won’t be long until thousands of your groups will ramp up their fund raising projects for the next cycle of life-changing, adventure-filled, revolutionary missions trips. B...
For years my life revolved around sports. All I wanted to be when I grew up was a bigleague baseball player. Every book report title I chose was about baseball. I had it bad. A junior high teacher required tha...
Nearly 40 million youth 18 and younger participate in sports. So how do some of the best-known sports youth ministries interact with students? And how have these ministries adapted their missions and strategies...
Whether you are shopping for the perfect first guitar for your child or sibling or you are an aspiring song writer yourself, the Martin LXM “Little Martin” Acoustic Guitar is a wonderful instrument....
It hit me a couple of weeks ago, when I was in Bloomington, Ill., for a speaking gig. In fact, it was my first speaking gig. I was a nervous wreck—folding my dinner napkin until it was a shre...
“It is a good idea for Christians to date non-Christians.” That was how I started out our family’s devotional time one evening. Then I added, “Do you agree, disagree, or are you undeci...
I’ve just returned from a “Jesus camp.” I spent the weekend with several dozen students from a Presbyterian church in southern Colorado talking about how the entertainment media represents Chr...
Every youth ministry camp and retreat center has its own rules and traditions for the dining hall. Some have songs. Some have chants. And some have stacking games and song games with cups. But did you know that...
During my first full year in youth ministry, success—not failure—was what almost did me in. What I eventually learned not only made me a better pastor but also a better husband. I had taken ...