If you looking for a fun game to play in a wooded area—or on a campout—try Walking Sticks. Invite each of the teenagers to find a walking stick in the woods—and then tell the group why he/she ...
"After these things, Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples by the sea of Tiberias" (John 21:1).The Gospel of John ends with the disciples in Galilee. After hearing the news that Jesus has risen, they retu...
If you are looking for an opportunity to beautiful your church grounds for spring while also providing a fun activity for your teenagers, try this one.Purchase some inexpensive flower pots (small), some fast-gr...
Senior Takes Great-Grandmother to PromGet downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat HappenedThe senior prom welcomed a senior citizen at Ohio's Parkway High School recently....
Working at camp for almost a decade has given me the opportunity to watch campers as they are growing up year after year. To be honest, it tends to make one feel old seeing a former camper go off to college or ...
He is not here…He is risen!Many ministries suffer from post-Easter malaise. Fresh from the high moments of Easter—with fanfare, music and pageantry—we discover ourselves lingering in the hum-d...
The Bible contains more than 700,000 words. By comparison, The Lord of the Rings trilogy contains nearly 500,000; The Iliad clocks in at approximately 360,000. The gateway into God's revelation is massive text ...
One lady prayed as she entered the new year, "Dear God, I pray for a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up as You did last year."Have you ever wondered what to pray for or how to pray?Perh...
This past year, my 3-year-old was hanging out in my office while his brother was at preschool. Suddenly, he stopped playing and pointed to an object on my desk. He kept pointing and proceeded to ask what this s...
"He's just a typical middle school boy; he'll outgrow this." I was concerned that my son kept forgetting his homework, and his math teacher's response helped ease my nerves. As a parent, I don't want to hear th...