The Necessity of Space

The little boy kept looking behind him as he walked into the library. Although he'd been dropped off at the library at night, he walked confidently until he realized someone else was going into the library righ...


This game only requires space, and no equipment or prep is necessary. Begin by inviting every person in the group to find a partner and form a two-person cell. Explain that you, as leader, will clap your hands...

The Ministry of Solidarity

John was the first to arrive for the lock-in. I asked how he was, and he said he was fine. However, I could tell he wasn't OK. In the previous couple of weeks, he had received some very painful news re...

Five Ways to Save a Girl

Chloe* was one of the pillars of youth group USA; the kind of girl who draws you in and makes you actually glad to work more hours for less pay than 99 percent of your co-workers. Chloe rarely missed Wednes...

7 Ways to use Evernote in Youth Ministry

At first glance Evernote is a pretty simple app. You can take notes, insert photos and even record audio but however you use this product you can find ways to be a bit more productive in your ministry.

Seek What God Wants

The programmatic model is focused on activity, particularly those that will attract youth. The missional approach is focused on ministry, continually asking, “What is our mission, and how do we follow it?”

3 Reasons Why My Parent’s Bible Bored Me

The Bible often lays dusty in our hands and in the hands of our kids (and parents), but it shouldn’t. My prayer is that it will come alive – come alive in our hands and in the next generation we serve.

“We Don’t Want a Bible Study”

At one point in the past year, I was having a conversation with some of my students. Sam, a junior high, homeschool kid spoke up and said, "I'm tired of Bible studies." As we continued the conversation, I began...