One-Chapter Wonder: 3 John

Quick Backdrop:This is a second devo in what we're calling a one-chapter wonder series—diving quickly and deeply into a one-chapter book of the Bible. (Click here for the first devo.) This gives us a...

Lead Us Not into Temptation

We have a good friend, who, for years, has had a passion for youth ministry. He started as a lay leader, then became a paid leader. He knew this was his calling, and those of us who knew him concurred. He loves...

Book Towers and Bookends

This game is a challenging group-builder that is perfect for a retreat or large event. Here's how to play:Give two groups an equal-sized stack of books, and provide each group a pair of bookends. Each...

Origami Paper Plates

All you need for this game is a stack of paper plates (the cheaper the better). Give each teen 2 or 3 plates and challenge the students to create their own paper figures by folding the plates (if you have sciss...

Grace: The Importance of the Post Script

P.S."Through Christ, then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God" (Heb. 13:15).In those days when people still wrote letters, they often would attach a post script (P.S.) after their signat...

Tale of the Twinkie

"In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you" (Matt. 7:12).A few months ago, it was announced that Hostess would cease production of the Twinkie—a golden, cream-filled sponge cake that pe...

Teaching and Learning Generosity

"Give to anyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you" (Matt. 5:42).Some years ago, Robert Fulgham penned a marvelous best-selling book Everything I Need to Know I Learne...

The Power of Remembrance

"Therefore, let us go on toward perfection..." (Heb. 6:1).It has been said, "You can't go home again." Others point out that we can't live in the past and move forward at the same time. Both statement...

One-Chapter Wonder: Philemon

Quick BackdropHere's an idea. Let's start with Scripture and let the Word do the teaching. No intro of an issue. No creative opener. Just a little backdrop info, and then we dive into the Word.You may have noti...