You’re (Not) Made of Steel

Had we just pulled off a successful outreach event? Yes. Did I care? Nope. I was tired of ministry, wondering how it had gone from something I loved so dearly to something I resented so fiercely.

The Power of a Multi-Year Curriculum

For youth workers who love teaching and want to be more effective, a quality multi-year curriculum is the most powerful and best-kept secret in youth work. Discover it, create it, live it and enjoy it for years to come.

Glue Tag

This game is kind of like regular tag, except that tagged players must put their hands on the spot where they were tagged. If you're tagged 3 times, you're "it". A clever player will tag in awkward places, such...

Mission Adventure

I learned about adventure early in life. It pretty much happened because I had a boat. That might sound weird unless you grew up on an island as I did, but that boat gave me a kind of freedom as a fourt...

Making Space

Recently, a pastor friend of mine read for me Judy Brown’s poem “Fire.” Brown does a masterful job of capturing what our job as youth ministers should be: making space for God to do His work. She uses th...

Youth Ministry With a New Baby

Having a kid is just as terrifying and exciting as everyone makes it out to be.   When Owen came into the world, we didn’t understand the number of seismic shifts he would create in our lives. The ...

The Name Game

Leaders hold a blanket between the two teams. When the blanket is dropped, the two people facing each other at the front of the line must shout out the name of the person they're facing. Whoever shouts out the ...

Hacking Teen Behavior

    Teens are from another planet. That would certainly explain why perfectly normal kids suddenly turn into sullen, moody teens when they hit a certain age. Or why parents wonder in amazement w...

Story Noises

Have two volunteers come to the front of the room. One will stand facing the class/audience. The second volunteer will stand behind the other, with his or her back away from the audience. Ask the class will ...