Fearless Daughters of the Bible

J. Lee GradyChosen Books, 168 pp., $14.99Many books urging women to claim our positions as God's daughters tell only half the story. They tell us we are God's beloved little girls, privileged princesses. They e...

Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

Francis Chan with Mark BeuvingDavid C. Cook, 2012, 336 pp., $14.99Francis Chan's newest book Multiply is quite a different format from the others he has written thus far, but it still is full of the same q...

LIVE College and Young Adult Curriculum

Simply Youth MinistryGroup Publishing, $249 for a two-year subscriptionGroup's LIVE Curriculum always has hit a homerun for ministering to kids and teens. The Simply Youth Ministry team has expanded this l...

Discovering Christ in Community

Discovering Christ in Community—Collection 1By Mike and Susan ReinfeldtNew Vantage Books, 2011, 94 pp., $19.99Discovering Christ in Community—Collection 2By Mike and Susan ReinfeldtNew Vantage Books...

Great Days

The one who is greatest among you will be your servant (Matthew 23:11).In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins notes that all great leaders—whether business, organization, church or otherwise—always...

Campus Ministry: Final Prep for Mission

College ministry in the summer can be an interesting beast to tame. Some of our ministries aren't really affected by the summer months; others blow up with all of our students returning; others go dormant becau...

Youth Culture Lesson: Shame on You

Can Guilt Help Us Be Better People?Get downloadable PDF.Get downloadable PowerPoint presentation.About/DisclaimerWhat Happened:New York City is trying a new technique to keep the city's teens from getting pregn...

The Jimmy Fallon Hypothesis

I hate it when I'm going in for a high-five and someone decides at the last minute to give me a fist bump. You know what I'm talking about. It's that uncomfortable moment when you reach out to slap someone's ha...