My parents were watching TV in the living room when they heard banging from the back of the house. My dad went around the corner to check on the noise and found April, a girl from our church group whom my paren...
Whenever I mention my youth ministry's rummage sale to people, they usually ask in disbelief, "You're really doing that again?"To be sure, rummage sales are a ton of work; but as a youth worker, I love how they...
Vision Video, 2013, 106 min., $19.99For the Glory is a great story of redemption and purpose. The movie portrays the faith and success of Kurt Kuykendall, and his rise to being a soccer star. For youth min...
Bethany JettRegal, 2013, 208 pp., $12.99In The Cinderella Rule, author Bethany Jett makes not only a compelling case for abstinence until marriage but a compassionate case, as well. While the traditional m...
This is a fun service project that can be completed on a Sunday morning or at another time when you have many cars in the parking lot. Have plenty of buckets, squeegies, paper towels, water and dish soap. Durin...
The woman left with her water jar and went back to the city. She said to the people, 'Come see a Man who told me everything I have ever done' (John 4:28).It is a wonderful thing to be known. We are always elate...
Quick BackdropOf the many feasts the Israelites of the Old Testament celebrated, one in particular was called the Feast of Weeks. This feast was a party 50 days after Passover to celebrate the spring harvest. B...
This is a fun game that can be used in conjunction with a snack preparation (think retreat or group closing). Depending on the size of your group, you will need two (or more) jars of peaut butter and jelly, bre...
After these things, Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1).Some years ago, my wife purchased some concert tickets that included a backstage pass. These tickets were not i...
Quick BackdropSome call it the Easter drop off, the commitment fade or the spiritual let-down. If you're connected to a church or youth ministry, you've just come through the Easter season, the highpoint of the...