It seems almost every month there’s an article published somewhere that begins with the sentiment, “Ministry is changing…”

Everything is changing. We get it. Yet, as the culture, students and ministry all change, the church during the past 10 to 20 years has been satisfied with playing catch-up instead of jumping out in front and riding the wave of change. Youth workers are more apt to do just that. Smartphones aren’t new. Tablets have become a part of modern tech vernacular as have apps, widgets and more apps. We’ve established and execute somewhat of a pocket ministry, it’s always with us and it’s hard to turn off.

“But where do I start if I just purchased my first iPhone, Android or tablet?”

“I have the gadgets, but I could spend an entire day each week just updating my app selection to better my ministry…I don’t have time for that.”

Few of us do, so I have compiled a list of apps, widgets and extras that have done more than benefit my ministry; they have changed, grown and advanced it. I currently carry a Motorola Droid X and Motorola Droid Xoom, although many of these tools are available with Apple gadgets, as well.

Productivity: Google anything and everything. I’m not talking about the search engine, I am talking about its productivity software, apps and extensions. Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Google Maps, Navigation (Android only) Google Voice, Google Translate, Google Docs, App Builder, Chrome, Picasa, Picnik, Send to Chrome, Goggles, Sky Map, Google+…the list goes on and on. Google—which is kind of turning into a real version of Big Brother in my life—provides my email, calendar, blog updates, GPS, Internet browser and search, voicemail, Hebrew and Greek translations, Cloud storage for docs, photo editing—it’s endless. Google makes administration fully functional online and simple. Check out one or check out all of them. You won’t be disappointed.

Amazon Kindle: Use it as a free app on Android devices or as a standalone eReader. Kindle allows us to carry an endless amount of books with us at all times. As with Google products, Kindle isn’t new; but the fact that soon it will be providing a Kindle Based Library to users across the globe is new. The Nook has had this for a while, and Kindle is catching up.

Bambuser: Ever wish you could show people at home exactly what you are doing on a mission trip or retreat as it’s happening? Have you ever pondered how to reach those students who would rather sit at home on Facebook instead of attending your youth ministry? Bambuser is an app that allows you to broadcast live video from your mobile device online which can easily be embedded on your Facebook or Twitter page. Youth Ministry Love Broadcasts…those four words excite me.

YouVersion Bible App: If you don’t have it, get it. Every translation you will ever need along with devotionals and Bible-reading plans are here—great for you and your group.

DropBox: This is a free Cloud-based service that allows you to drop documents, pictures and music into an online drop box so you can retrieve the information or materials at any device with an Internet connection. You can stop emailing yourself pictures and losing thumb drives.

Evernote: Ideas often can be reduced to fleeting thoughts when they aren’t addressed or written down immediately. Evernote allows you to do just that from your mobile, CPU, laptop or tablet, then gathers them in one centralized location. The only thing you will forget is the vocabulary word…unless you add it to your Evernote.

PrayerBox: Ever want a prayer journal, but simply don’t have the space or hands to carry anything else with you? PrayerBox creates a folder on your mobile device where you can add specific or general prayers using a basic but functional user interface. You also can request prayer for specific needs or your entire prayer box.

Taskos: If you are a list maker, you find list making not only rewarding—because crossing things off said list is in and of itself gratifying—but proves to keep us as productive as possible. The only problem is that I lose lists. Taskos is a list-making app and widget that literally allows you to cross off items as you accomplish them; and it’s much harder to lose. With a low monthly fee—no contract or commitment required—txtsignal allows you to mass text in times of urgent updates or schedule daily or weekly texts and reminders or devotionals. will change the way you communicate with students, leaders and parents. Not enough money in the budget to buy a MacBook or Adobe Premiere Elements? Edit your videos and make short ministry promo movies and films at Great UI and product—and it’s FREE! Cash and check can be easily forgotten when it comes to trip deposits and fundraisers. What if you accepted credit and debit? You can with There’s no cost for the reader or free email receipts, so there isn’t any need for a portable printer. All you need is an iPhone or Android mobile device, and the rest is taken care of. Donors sign on your phone screen and deposits the funds in your account.

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