The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers and Emergents in the Postmodern World
David F. Wells
Eerdmans, 2008, 267 pp., $25.00

In The Courage to be Protestant, Wells attempts to expose the shortcomings of the mega-church marketers (i.e., Willow Creek) and the emerging church leaders (i.e., Brian McLaren and Rob Bell) and calls for a return to a historic (“truth-loving”) form of evangelicalism.

Relying heavily on Barna Group statistics, Wells’ convictions are strong and supported. However, his arguments often stereotype and are highly critical of new practices and ways of thinking. The alternative path he promotes is founded on the doctrine and beliefs of Reformation Christianity marked by churches “where the Word of God is preached, the sacraments are rightly administered and discipline is applied.”

This is a helpful resource for gaining understanding and perspective on the trajectory of evangelical Christianity. However, Wells spent a great deal of energy on what he stands against and less on how to shift the future evangelical course collaboratively and productively in the West.

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