The Girl in the Orange Dress: Searching for a Father Who Does Not Fail
Margot Starbuck
IVP Books, 2009, 201 pp., $16.00

Margot has little luck with fathers: Her adoptive father divorces his wife and moves across the country; and when she finally tracks down her birth father, he wants nothing to do with her. As she searches for a father who can give her what she needs, she discovers the One who never will leave or forsake her.

Told with humor and honesty, the story nevertheless dates itself with cultural references that are old even for 20-somethings. Although these may pull younger readers out of the story, Margot explores themes of love and self-discovery that will touch the hearts of girls of all ages and encourage them to seek God as the perfect Father. This book might best be read with an older mentor who can encourage discussion and answer questions.

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