The Gripping Point, DVD
Craig DeMartino
Group, Six one-hour sessions, $24.99,

In 2002, avid climber Craig DeMartino survived a 100-foot fall that by all odds should have killed him. His injuries led to the eventual amputation of one of his legs below the knee and the daily problem of pain.

The Gripping Point, designed as a small-group study consisting of six one-hour sessions, intersperses documentary-style footage of Craig and his family and friends sharing their story and insights with slides of scriptural references (mostly to Job) and probing discussion questions. Topics include reconciling the truth of God’s love with the reality of hardship, unanswerable questions suffering prompts, helping others in pain, the benefits of pain, the connection between attitude and reality, and trusting God. This product works best with a group prepared to share deeply with one another and committed to walking alongside others in their pain.

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