The Hole in Our Gospel
Richard Stearns
Thomas Nelson, 2009, 303 pp., $22.99,

The Hole in Our Gospel is a provocative look at what God expects from us as followers of Jesus. What does it really mean to follow Jesus in a world of haves and have-nots? This book takes an intense look at the whole gospel then lovingly confronts our own imperfect self-made gospels.

World Vision U.S. President Richard Stearns tells his own journey of how God brought him out of the upper echelon of the corporate world into a life of serving the poorest children in the world. His humor, authenticity and broken heart for the least and lost will captivate your heart as you consider God’s vision for your life. Stearns weaves his personal story with fantastic quotes, comprehensive research, stories of World Vision staff members and his face-to-face experience with poverty, disease and injustice. The one question you will be forced to answer is, “How will I respond?”

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