Introduction: Begin by having the people in your group think of two truths and one lie to share about themselves. Have others in the group guess which of the three things they share is the lie.

1. Read John 14:6. What is the second thing Jesus says in His “I Am” statement in this verse? (He is the truth.) We can tell lies; we can tell truths; Jesus is the truth.

2. Read the following verses and share with one another what you learn about truth.
John 1:14
Isaiah 45:19

3. Keeping in mind that Jesus is Truth, and Truth is Jesus, read John 8:32 and share what you think it means. (We can know Jesus, and Jesus can set us free. He offers us the truth about life and death, the truth about Satan, the truth about ourselves, the truth about all we need to know. That truth can free us from our sin and free us to live the lives God intended for us to live!)

4. Let’s take this one step farther. What’s the opposite of truth? (falsehood, lies, deception) So if Jesus is Truth, let’s figure out the origin of deception and lies. Read John 8:42-47 and answer the following questions (Hint: all from verse 44). Who is the father of lies? What does that mean? (All lies originate with the devil.) How long has he been a liar? How much truth is in him?

5. Now, read these two verses in Proverbs, and share what you learn:
Proverbs 6:16-19 (God hates a lying tongue and a false witness! It’s interesting that in this list of seven things, lying is mentioned twice. Murder is mentioned, as is pride and other things; but lying gets double attention.)
Proverbs 12:22 (Again, we see what the Lord detests, but let’s look at the positive aspect of this for a minute—He delights in those who are truthful!)

Being truthful sometimes can be very difficult. Is this something with which you struggle? When? Does knowing that God hates it when you lie—and knowing that when you do lie, you’re speaking the devil’s native language—affect your attitude at all? If so, how? How can we as a group help one another in this area?

Lesson 10: John 14:6:I Am the Life

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