Kimberley B. Long
Westminster John Knox Press, 2009, $19.95,

Kimberly Bracken Long, Assistant Professor of Worship at Columbia Theological Seminary, explores what worship presiders (those who lead worship) do with their bodies, eyes and ears, mouths, hands and feet, as well as how their voices, movements and heart attitudes affect the accessibility of worship for the congregation. Long tells entertaining vignettes that help readers understand how their bodies can communicate the presider’s role as a servant to the body of Christ; from this place of humble attentiveness, presiders can increase their ability to connect with the entire worshiping body. She also encourages presiders to lead worship, expecting the Holy Spirit’s presence, not only in the hearts of the congregation but in themselves.

The Worshiping Body is an excellent offering for all worship presiders, seminarians, commissioned lay pastors, new pastors and experienced pastors, as well as for anyone interested in how his or her presence and movement during worship can enhance the worship experience.

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