The Backdrop
David was having a moment in Psalms 19. You can feel it in the opening of the psalm. He was overwhelmed with wow on how the beauty of nature points to the glory and the work of God. Those wow moments then compelled David to reflect and write on something else that points to the glory and work of God: the Word of God.

The What
Take your Bible (or your favorite electronic device), a pad to write on (or again, your favorite electronic device) and find a quiet place to spend some time with God. Read Psalm 19 in bite-sized chunks using the guide below.

Psalm 19:1-6
Read this passage and write down the connections David makes between nature and God. It’s pretty eloquent. You might want to have your own moment about how nature shows the awesomeness of God. If so, write down what comes to mind. It’s your personal Psalm 19:1-6.

Psalm 19:7-13
Label two columns similar to the headings below. As you read Psalm 19:7-13, write in the appropriate column anything that teaches you what God’s Word is and anything that teaches you what God’s Word does.

What God’s Word IS     What God’s Word DOES

Psalm 19:14
Think about the words in this verse. They form a powerful request to God. Would you like for this to be your prayer, too?

The So What
Take a minute to meditate on your two lists, what God’s Word is and what God’s Word does. Then journal your thoughts to these questions:
a. Do you want to experience in your life what God’s Word does?
b. Do you trust what God’s Word is?
c. Do you see the relationship between those two questions? You won’t experience what God’s Word does until you trust what it is.

Seal the Deal
It’s always good to give ourselves a little check up occasionally on the level of trust we give to the Word of God. The questions below will help you gauge the trust factor you have of God’s Word.
1. How much does Scripture help you in making decisions?
2. Do you take time to explore and know the Word of God?
3. Do you consider what Scripture says when faced with a temptation or ethical dilemma?

If you’d like to ramp up your trust factor in God’s Word, turn each of the three questions above into a statement of commitment. Then take a minute to put a simple action plan with each commitment. For example, question 2 can be worded this way: “I want to take time to explore and know the Word of God.” The simple action plan can be something such as this: Make an appointment each day purposefully to explore God’s Word.

Before long, you’ll be like David in Psalm 19, experiencing more wow moments than you know what to do with.

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