“If she abandons them early enough.”
Ethan Hawke, on whether a mother can will her children to be artists when they grow up.
NYT Magazine
“More and more Christian leaders are beginning to realize that for the millions of young adults who have recently dropped out of church, Christianity is a failed religion. Why? Because it has specialized in dealing with ‘spiritual needs’ to the exclusion of physical and social needs. It has focused on ‘me’ and ‘my eternal destiny,’ but it has failed to address the dominant societal and global realities of their lifetime: systemic injustice, poverty and dysfunction.”
Brian McLaren, from his new book, Everything Must Change
“I enjoy sitting on nice beaches, hanging out with my girlfriend, and playing with my dog, but that’s three hours a day. What about the remaining 18 hours I’m awake?”
Max Levchin, founder of PayPal, the sale of which made the 32-year-old entrepreneur about $100 million. He now spends most of his time working on another start-up venture.
“This attitude of resignation with regard to truth lies at the heart of the crisis in the West, the crisis of Europe. If truth does not exist for man, then neither can he ultimately distinguish between good and evil.”
Pope Benedict XVI