Trinity Teen Solutions started as a Christian adolescent residential treatment center for troubled teens. However, since that time, it has added life skills programs for young women, as well. Upon entering Trinity, a resident will transition to adult living on a peaceful ranch in Powell, Wyom., surrounded by some of God’s finest handiwork. While there is fun to be had, development of the residents is taken seriously.

Typically, the focus for at-risk individuals tends to fall on children, teens and adults who require help with addictions and other issues. Young adults, however, largely have been left out of the equation. Thus, Trinity Teen Solutions has expanded its Christian agenda to include life skills programs that help young women successfully transition to adult living.

Because progressing from a teenager to a productive young woman can often seem overwhelming, many find themselves in positions they never imagined. Straying away from their faith due to peer pressure or other influences only widens the chasm, making it all the harder to achieve what society demands. The professionals at Trinity Teen Solutions recognized this dilemma and chose to create a specific program exclusively for young adult women.

Trinity co-founder Angie Woodward explains: “We would get calls from parents nationwide asking if we knew of a Christian, therapeutic treatment option that could help their daughters. The majority of the programs available include secular, co-ed, institutional-style treatment settings and more.

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