Reaching Unchurched Teens
Rick Bundschuh
Standard Publishing, 2009, 137 pp., $12.99,

Building and Mobilizing Teams
Marv Penner
Standard Publishing, 2009, 143 pp., $12.99,

Engaging Parents as Allies
Wayne Rice
Standard Publishing, 2009, 143 pp., $12.99,

These three books make up the Standard Publishing series Youth Ministry in the Trenches. Written by well-known and credentialed youth ministry veterans, these books tackle the ongoing challenges of youth ministry: parents, team building and unchurched youth.

Each book is broken into three parts, “Thinking It Through,” “Putting It Together” and “Making It Work.” In the first part, the questions surrounding each subject are uncovered so the process of understanding the issues can begin. The second portion suggests beginning points for creating or revamping ministry in these areas. The final part provides some specifics for implementation, along with potential pitfalls to avoid as things begin to take shape.

Considering the credibility of the authors, one really cannot go wrong with these books. Their usefulness runs the spectrum from beginner to veteran, volunteer, professional and parent helper. Easily read and digested, at the very least they will encourage a critical look at what is currently happening and may be the catalyst to transform aspects of ministries for dynamic impact.

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