Overview: A fast-moving circle game using sounds such as “vroom,” “screech,” “boosh” and “baush.”

Ideal for ages 12 to 22
Best played with 10 to 20 students
No equipment needed
Time: 5 to 20 minutes

How to Play “Vroom”:
The entire group stands in a circle. Select one person to be It to start this game. There is only one real “rule” for this game, everyone in the group must not show their teeth. If anyone at any time smiles or shows teeth, he or she is out.

The game starts by the person selected to be It turning to the left or right and saying “vroom” in an attempt to sound like a car. The person who received the “vroom” then quickly turns to the person next to him or her and says “vroom.” Continue around the circle quickly from person to person. The object is not to smile and keep your teeth covered. The participants are encouraged to get as extravagant as possible in order to make the people next to them smile and/or show teeth.

The catch is that at any point after a student has received a “vroom,” he or she can interrupt the person who sent the “vroom” and say “screech” (a braking sound) to the person who was giving the “vroom.” The person who received the “screech” must then reverse the direction of the “vroom” and send it to the person on the other side. Anyone at any time can deliver a “screech” to reverse the direction.

A student can add a second variation to the game by adding a “boosh.” At any point, a student who received a “vroom” can point across the circle of students to another student and say “boosh.” The one who then received the “boosh” is then in charge of the “vroom.” The person who received the “boosh” continues the game by turning to the right or left saying “vroom.”

A third variation is “baush.” This variation occurs when one receives a “boosh,” but rather would deny the “boosh,” in which case he or she can look at the “boosher” and say “baush.” If you “baush” a “boosh,” the responsibility is then turned over to the one who sent the “boosh.” That student must turn to his or her right or left and continue the “vroom” circle. It is possible to eliminate people as they smile and/or show teeth or mess up the cycle.

If you don’t want to eliminate people, simply laugh it off and have the person who showed his or her teeth or who made a mistake start the game again.

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About The Author

Les Christie (DMin, Trinity International University) is a national speaker and youth ministry veteran. He chairs the youth ministry department at William Jessup University, in Rocklin, California where he has taught the Gospel of John for the last 15 years, and is also an adjunct professor at Western Seminary. Les is the author of more than a dozen books, including Awaken Your Creativity and When Church Kids Go Bad.

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