You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes: And Other Great Advice from an Unlikely Preacher’s Wife
Lisa McKay
David C. Cook, 2010, 208 pp., $12.99

Pastors’ wives often feel pressured to fit into a mold that defies their unique personalities and gifts—whether by their congregation, their husbands or themselves. From embroidered sweaters to playing the piano to cooking that signature dish, pastors’ wives battle expectations that limit instead of freeing them to complement their husband’s ministry.

Longtime pastor’s wife Lisa McKay offers an honest look at her own struggle to maintain her identity in a very public and demanding role. With laugh-out-loud humor and insight, she tackles questions such as, “What in the world is a pastor’s wife supposed to wear?” as well as more serious topics such as being your husband’s worst enemy and leaving a church when conflict is involved. Her advice is rooted in biblical truth and her experiences are funny and relatable. This much-needed book will relieve pastors’ wives of false expectations and pressures and provide them with spirit-enriching encouragement and camaraderie.

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